Author name: MultiLayer

Interview in “App of the day”

An interview about Multi Layer has been published in “App of the day“. Thank you very much for the interview. Here is the link:

Descripción (Español)

MultiLayer permite editar fotos con infinidad de posibilidades. Podrás partir de una foto que hagas, elegir una foto de tu galería o bien una imagen en blanco, para después editarla aplicándole múltiples efectos, ajustes, filtros y herramientas, de forma sencilla, intuitiva y rápida. Sobre la imagen que estés editando podrás añadir tantas capas como desees, …

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Description (English)

MultiLayer lets you edit photos with endless possibilities. Start with a blank (transparent) picture, a photo selected from your gallery or take a picture, and then edit it by applying multiple effects, adjustments, filters and tools, in a simple, intuitive and fast way. Over the image you’re editing you can add as many layers as …

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